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About Us

Uncanny Pictures is a Swedish film company that specializes in bringing horror to life since 2019.

The Uncanny Team

The team is founded by Cindy Stenberg and she is very varied despite being only one person. Her knowledge extends to many working titles such as producing, writing and directing. But besides this of course with indie films, the working titles may extend even further and she has done other work such as scheduling, contracts, location scout, costume, props, social media marketing, funding etc.
As a indie film production we do everything in our power to get the projects moving forward and not stay as a sad lonely digital file. Art and horror deserves to be created and seen; and we are here to make this happen.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have some cool horror project brewing and looking for a collab!

Cindy Stenberg


I come from Kiruna but these days I live in Umeå in Sweden.

I’m a writer, director and producer. I’ve been making shorts since 2019.

My experiences in film are slim to none, although in retrospect I do believe my experiences have helped me become a better director mostly.

I took theater back in school (though mostly just to help with my crippling social anxiety HEH), dabbled in photography by selling canvas/pictures and working shoots like birthdays, weddings, funerals or nature.

I’ve been writing novels/poetry/scripts since I was a young kid and dreamt about making films, but never really dared to take that jump, until now that is.

I consider myself an introvert with extrovert dreams. I love videogames, poetry and movies.

Horror has always had a special place in my heart. I consider it to be a work of raw beauty and intense feelings that I just can’t seem to find in the other genres.